QUOTE OF THE WEEK: No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes unnoticed - Aesop

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Birth of a Blog

I won't lie.

I dreaded turning 40.  From the moment I turned 39, I felt the shadow of my next birthday looming over me.

Forty is a death sentence for a female.  While men in their forties are considered "in their prime", women are considered "over the hill".  It didn't seem fair.

What could I do?  As much as I wanted to magically slow down the clock, that wasn't going to happen.  I decided to change my strategy; I couldn't stop myself from turning forty, but I could change how I felt about.

I could use this turning point for a purpose, or go on feeling sorry for myself.

So, I came up with a plan.  A plan to prepare myself to be my BEST self as I enter this phase of my life.  A plan to provide focus and purpose as I enter this next stage of life.

I invite you to join me.  Everyone hits a wall at some point in their lives; whether it is burnout at work, struggles as a stay at home mom, or as part of the aging process.  Maybe you are just beginning adulthood and are striving to find your identity; wherever you are in your life's journey, I hope this blog will help you rediscover yourself!


Greg and Mel said...

I love this idea Kim, you are awesome! Can't wait to read your stories :)


Unknown said...

You should start with going you bed.... I see your post was after midnight Kimber...