QUOTE OF THE WEEK: No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes unnoticed - Aesop

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weekly Goal #2 - Be a Good Neighbor

I'm sure most of you know this little jingle from television, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there."

This brings up a question - what does it mean to be a good neighbor?

I'd also like to pose a second question - how well do you know your neighbors?

I have to admit, there are a few people in our neighborhood I don't know very well.  I'm ashamed to say the reason is because they are of a different denomination than I.  It's not that I'm shunning them because they belong to a different church; rather, I don't know them well because I don't see them on a weekly basis like I do with my "LDS" neighbors.  I just haven't gone out of my way to stop by and get to know them.

This personal deficiency is prompting this week's goal of "being a good neighbor".  Here's the assignment: think of at least one individual or family in your neighborhood you don't know well and stop by to say "hello".  Bringing cookies or another treat can sometimes offer a good excuse for a visit.  Chances are you'll find they have been wanting to meet you, too :)

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