QUOTE OF THE WEEK: No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes unnoticed - Aesop

Monday, April 4, 2011

April is Here!

April is here.

You know what that means.

Yes - a new focus will be spotlighted!!

Okay, so maybe you're not quite as excited about it as I am, but I have been wanting to work on the next focus for quite some time.  You see, April's focus is ORGANIZATION.

I used to be quite an organized person.  However, marriage happened...then kids happened... then life happened.  While I still mostly manage to accomplish what I need to, it's done in a much less organized way than what I'd like.

I'd like to get myself back on track by following the weekly goals, and as always, I invite you to join me.  Or, if you have the organization thing down, offer some pointers :)

Please check back in a day or two as I discuss the first week's goal of learning to prioritize.

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