QUOTE OF THE WEEK: No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes unnoticed - Aesop

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weekly Goal #1 - Setting Priorities

As I mentioned in the last post, April's theme is about finding organization.  Organization is an extremely helpful tool in eliminating stress, realizing goals, and increasing productivity.  There are many ways to achieve organization; the one I'm going to address now is that of setting priorities.

What are priorities?  According to the online Cambridge Dictionary, a priority is "something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things."  Basically, a priority is something you choose to make important. 

Why is setting priorities so critical?  The answer is they help determine our choices.  I'm of the LDS religion, and last week was our church's semiannual General Conference.  One of the speakers was apostle Dallin H. Oaks, and he spoke on something similar to this topic.  He stated, "Desires determine our priorities, our priorities determine our choices, and our choices determine our actions."  Obviously, setting priorities is a very important step in determining which direction your life is taking.

Where are you at in your life?  Turning forty this year has been a great excuse for me to examine my efforts.  However, this examination is something you can do at any time, and probably should do periodically.  Once you assess your current situation, ask yourself this question - where do I want to be?  I've discovered that while I am mostly satisfied with my life at this point, there are some areas I'd definitely like to change.

In order to do that, I'm going to do a little rearranging of my life.  Decide what's really important to me, then set some new priorities.  Examine my decisions and see what's going to bring me long term fulfillment versus short term pleasure. 

I once heard a story about a little boy who really wanted to be a doctor.  In discussing this desire with his parents, they brought up the many sacrifices he'd have to make.  They talked about the many years of schooling it would take and the substantial amount of money he'd have to invest in his education. "I don't care what it takes," the little boy said, "I want to become a doctor more than anything else in the world!"

The parents then brought up the fact that he'd have to spend his weekends in rounds.  The little boy's face immediately fell.  "Well, then I can't be a doctor," he stated sadly.  Surprised by this reversal of attitude, the parents asked their son why he'd changed his mind.

"Because I'd have to give up my Saturday cartoons," was his reply.

While this story is "cute", it teaches an important lesson.  How many of us are distracted by the "Saturday cartoons" in our life and failing to pursue what's really important?

This week's assignment is about looking at and setting your priorities.  Are you satisfied with who you are?  If the answer is "no"...change them!  You'll have to decide what those priorities are, as every one's life and desires are different. 

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