QUOTE OF THE WEEK: No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes unnoticed - Aesop

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mind Games

I had a bit of a scare the other day.

I walked into my garage and found my cheese grater sitting on top of the work bench.

What the heck?!

Picking it up, I tried desperately to think how it got there.  I've occasionally misplaced my keys and phone at times...but a cheese grater?  Seriously?

I've tried to come to terms with getting older by ignoring the occasionally aches, decreasing stamina, and places that are starting to sag.  But, as I turned the grater slowly in my hands, I began to wonder if my mind was starting to slip as well.  After all, three of my great grandmothers had Alzheimer's .....

Just then, my 8th grader walked into the garage.  Spotting the cheese grater, he took it from my grip and said, "Sorry Mom - I was in the middle of a project yesterday, and we were out of sand paper. I wanted to see if this would work instead but forgot to put it away.  I'll do it right now."

Hallelujah - my thought process is still intact!

At least, for now.

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