QUOTE OF THE WEEK: No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes unnoticed - Aesop

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Focus #1 - SELF

As this focus will be the one that kicks off my quest of "finding forty", I felt it needed to be extra relevant.  In reviewing all twelve focuses, it soon became clear the area of "self" needed to be first.  In this busy world, we are pulled in many directions.  There are so many in our sphere of influence needing our time and energy:  children, spouses, coworkers, neighbors, friends...the list goes on and on.  While serving and interacting with others is a worthy and necessary part of our lives, it's all too easy to neglect the most important person in our lives - our self. 

As a wife and mother I often find myself totally focused on the needs of my family, neglecting myself in the process.  As a result, I can grow emotionally and physically exhausted during these times - actually hampering my ability to serve those I love.  I find myself complaining more often, acting impatient with those around me, and generally feeling unhappy. 

There is a quote which states "Physician, heal thyself".  Basically, this saying illustrates the point that before we can help others, we must first help ourselves.  I'm not suggesting we take this advice to the extreme and spend all day every day focused on our own wants and needs.  That would be selfish.  However, it would be wise to spend at least a few moments of our day take care of ourselves.  Snatch a few pages of reading from our favorite novel.  Go on a brief walk.  Take that bubble bath.  Remember our dreams.

This is why I chose "self" as the first area of focus; it is critical to find balance and peace within ourselves. For once we do, we're not only better equipped to help those around us, we're also better prepared to take on life and its challenges.

Coming tomorrow - weekly goal #1

1 comment:

Penny said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I've had one for a couple of years It's just my journal/family chronicle and my parents love it because they can keep up on what's happening although they live in Lehi. Also my brother-in-law can read it from his mission. Every year I get it printed as a hardbound book and I LOVE it. The pictures turn out so great. It's also very therapeutic. I'm excited to see it goes!